Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for January 30, 2014


It isn’t what I was hoping for but it was progress. I had a doctor appointment this morning about the pain I have been having. I totally lost it in my doctor’s office. I am a normally emotional person but pain doesn’t typically bring me to tears. Lately though that is a totally different story! Totally!

My doctor is sending me to see one of the top allergists in the state. She said it would probably be a few months before I got in to see him though. The office called today and I about died when I she says okay lets schedule you I have one on August 1st or then we have them in January 2015. Are you kidding me?! August seems forever and so does January. That is 12 months away! A whole year!

My doctor said she was okay with me starting on the generic form of cymbalta. So I am hoping that the next time I go into see my PDoc that she will put me on it. I am hoping that it will help decrease the pain because I need to start writing a different end to my story!

We are all in control of the story we write. There are things that happen to us that are out of control, but we are still in control of how we react and what we choose to do about those things. We should be praying and doing what God has for us. We are in control of our story and I want to start writing a new one.

I am hopeful tonight. There is a long time before we will have answers but right now, I can choose to start making smaller choices and changes so I can start writing a different story ending for me.

I am happy with the small progress we made today at the doctor’s office. I wasn’t sure what to expect and was grateful we got some where.