Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for February, 2014

Best Gift Ever

I have often wondered if God is actually using me. Am I making a difference in anyones life? Am I doing His work? Am I Jesus with skin on?

Do you ever wonder if you are doing His work and if other’s lives are changed because of you?

Even if it is as simple as being a listening ear. Even if it is complicated like taking someone in that makes no sense. God can use you in ways you don’t think could ever be done.

But as I said I do often wonder if God is actually using me. Am I actually doing what He needs.

Today I was given the best gift of all….

“God has blessed me with some amazing people and you are ranked pretty high up there. Feel privileged… God is using you. How awesome is that!”

Things have been rough lately and to hear those words from a friend were the best words I could ever have heard! It was not only a gift from her but it was a gift from God. He told me exactly what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it.

Here is to me being a year older and knowing that God is using me. Happy Birthday Blessings!

Crafts and Women’s Retreat

I was going to make a couple of crafts to use for donations for the women’s retreat. And I have made them, or I should say am making them. I need to turn them in tomorrow and here it is 11:30 and I am still up adding the mod podge coatings. I really planned on doing 6 or 7 coats and I am only on coat 3. Considering the fact you have to wait at least 15 to 20 minutes between each coat, my guess is, based upon the time, it will only be getting 4 or 5 coats!

Not to mention I wasn’t paying much attention because when I started this at about 9 PM tonight, the adhesive I used to stick the image down picked up a couple of things. And so now I have managed to mod podge some black specks onto the images.

This is why you don’t wait until the last-minute to do it. But this is part of my problem currently. I have zero motivation and so I procrastinate with and about everything. Really that in itself is really a draining trait I have currently!

I need to get my butt in gear and figure things out.

So tonight I am up later than I had planned all because I put off doing these crafts!


Sometimes it is really hard for me to be positive. I try to be but it is hard.

It is really hard when people around me are grumpy, mean, selfish, lying and attempting to be manipulative.

I have come to realize or maybe a better word would be accept that everyone has their own version of what happens, what is said and what goes on. It doesn’t change when someone lies to you or is trying to manipulate the situation. But their version is going to include the lies and manipulations but to their advantage.

There are always two sides to every story and then there is the truth.

It doesn’t mean that one side isn’t close to what the truth is but it always seems that when someone tells a story, it is in their favor.

It is hard for me to be positive when things are so rough in this house. And when I stop and think about it, I get frustrated and angry that my house is full of such drama.

I need to surround myself by positive people and it seems to be slipping away or becoming harder and harder to come by.

I Am Blessed

Lately finding reasons I am blessed have been rough. So these might not be reasons that make much sense to many others but even in your hardships you need to find blessings. Each thing that goes on in our lives, good and bad, is a blessing in some way. So I am trying to look at everything in my life and see my blessings:

  1. I am blessed by friends
  2. I am blessed by faith
  3. I am blessed by strangers
  4. I am blessed by color
  5. I am blessed by struggles
  6. I am blessed by my Monkey’s
  7. I am blessed by having a roof over my head
  8. I am blessed by having not only one but two working vehicles
  9. I am blessed by my women’s Bible study
  10. I am blessed by belonging to a church
  11. I am blessed by having two dogs
  12. I am blessed by having a cat
  13. I am blessed by having cell phones
  14. I am blessed by having cable TV
  15. I am blessed by walking by Faith
  16. I am blessed by the Lord’s Grace
  17. I am blessed by being able to read
  18. I am blessed by finding joy in simple things
  19. I am blessed by friends whom I have never met
  20. I am blessed by having a sister
  21. I am blessed by having a brother
  22. I am blessed by having nieces
  23. I am blessed by having nephews
  24. I am blessed by having amazing in-laws
  25. I am blessed because I was in the wrong marriage
  26. I am blessed because I am in the right marriage
  27. I am blessed by my attorney who saw my divorce through
  28. I am blessed by my attorney’s secretary who I am still friends with
  29. I am blessed by the sunrise
  30. I am blessed by the sunset
  31. I am blessed by our home
  32. I am blessed because of the sledding hill in our backyard
  33. I am blessed because of the snow
  34. I am blessed because of the rain
  35. I am blessed because of a working  snow blower
  36. I am blessed because of a working lawnmower
  37. I am blessed by my parents
  38. I am blessed by having milk in the fridge
  39. I am blessed by having money in the bank
  40. I am blessed by watching my children play
  41. I am blessed by listening to my children laugh
  42. I am blessed by being able to learn
  43. I am blessed by being able to read my Bible
  44. I am blessed by being able to afford to go to church
  45. I am blessed by being able to watch movies
  46. I am blessed because I am able to make meals for my children
  47. I am blessed because I am able to do the dishes
  48. I am blessed by having a washer and dryer that work
  49. I am blessed by the makeshift library we have in the basement
  50. I am blessed because of our debt
  51. I am blessed because I am able to walk
  52. I am blessed by Jack in the Box
  53. I am blessed because of the humor that is in our home
  54. I am blessed because I am loved
  55. I am blessed because I can listen to friends
  56. I am blessed by the Internet
  57. I am blessed by reading blogs of those I know and those I stumble upon
  58. I am blessed because I can eat clementines
  59. I am blessed because I can eat salads
  60. I am blessed by having my doctors close to me
  61. I am blessed by having my specialists close to me
  62. I am blessed by living in the same city as the medical mile
  63. I am blessed by smiles all around me
  64. I am blessed by listening ears
  65. I am blessed by shoulders to cry on
  66. I am blessed by my psychiatrist
  67. I am blessed by anyone who has crossed my path
  68. I am blessed by doing random acts of kindness
  69. I am blessed by family time
  70. I am blessed by music
  71. I am blessed because of my voice
  72. I am blessed by studies
  73. I am blessed by photography
  74. I am blessed by Bible verses
  75. I am blessed by Jack in the Box having a job
  76. I am blessed by having health insurance
  77. I am blessed by having dental insurance
  78. I am blessed by having vision insurance
  79. I am blessed living in the United States
  80. I am blessed by being able to choose how many children I have
  81. I am blessed by living in a state where all four seasons are very different
  82. I am blessed by being able to go camping
  83.  I am blessed by campfires
  84. I am blessed by hobo pies
  85. I am blessed by the color green
  86. I am blessed by the color purple
  87. I am blessed by the color pink
  88. I am blessed by learning from lessons
  89. I am blessed by learning to use patience
  90. I am blessed because God and I have a unique relationship like no other
  91. I am blessed because God has a sense of humor
  92. I am blessed because I have one daughter
  93. I am blessed because I have three sons
  94. I am blessed by tears
  95. I am blessed by laughter
  96. I am blessed by writing
  97. I am blessed by spring
  98. I am blessed by summer
  99.  I am blessed by swimming
  100. I am blessed by fall
  101. I am blessed by winter
  102. I am blessed by soccer
  103. I am blessed by having water to drink
  104. I am blessed by having water to bathe in
  105. I am blessed by having water to keep my yard green
  106. I am blessed by flowers
  107. I am blessed by trees
  108. I am blessed by walking in the woods
  109. I am blessed by birds
  110. I am blessed by wildlife
  111. I am blessed by Sunday’s
  112. I am blessed because in the past I got to spend time in Hawaii
  113. I am blessed because in the past I got to spend time in Italy
  114. I am blessed because I am able to fold laundry
  115. I am blessed by having food in our house
  116. I am blessed by tithing
  117. I am blessed by puddles
  118. I am blessed by having an imagination
  119. I am blessed by praying
  120. I am blessed by essential oils
  121. I am blessed by knowing I am rich even though my bank account is not
  122. I am blessed by being able to smell
  123. I am blessed by my eye sight
  124. I am blessed by the sounds my ears hear
  125. I am blessed by God

I could keep on going but I am going to stop for now. I am blessed, by the good and the bad. How are you blessed?

Full of Emotions

There isn’t much to say other than since this pain I am feeling has kicked up a notch my emotions have kicked it up a notch as well.

It has been crazy how easily I cry over the simple things. Things that never would have made me cry before make me break down.

The only thing I can correlate it with is the pain levels I am dealing with. I didn’t realize pain all over your body could affect your emotions the way this does but oh my goodness, it is all I have.

I have had about all I can handle lately with all of it. My pain level, my emotional level and most of all my insanity that I feel as if I am dealing with lately.

Praying for myself and hoping whatever is going on resolves itself soon!