Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for January 12, 2014

What Guides You?

I was on Twitter today. And I just noticed a lot of the people who I “follow” post a lot of crazy things. Things like: Girl Code, Guy Code, what others say that are insane. I am so far from perfect but I am trying to be a better person. What goes through my head is this:

Instead of living your life by a girl code, a guy code or what others are saying maybe
you should live your life by God’s code and open your Bible. Instead of complaining about
how horrible your life is and how nothing makes you happen and how awful people have treated
you maybe you should turn to Him and seek out the truth.

My life isn’t easy. I have had a lot of hardships but by seeking out answers in all the wrong locations it is never going to get better! I can’t expect that I am going to have a good relationship if I don’t put the Lord in the mix for a relationship. I read this on Facebook yesterday and all I can say is that this person has it together. He may have issues, but he has the right idea, he has written the perfect wedding vows. 

I promise to: be obedient to God, pray for you, read my Bible with you, pray for our family, be vulnerable with you, hold hands with you (especially on date night), listen to you, remain sensitive to your food allergies (your kisses are more sweeter than a Reece peanut butter cup!), be slow to criticism, resolve conflict, continue to be painfully observant, forgive, work-out, confide in you, continue to cultivate tenderness, give you massages, give you space, hug you, cook, be transparent, reproduce my coupons, respect you, occasionally zerbert when we kiss, protect you, give you unrestricted access to me, challenge you, share my fears, shut the door to the bathroom when I’m sitting on the toilet, try new things with you (aside from the aforementioned), make you laugh, fight fair, continually rematching you at Connect Four, never depart from you without telling you “I love you,” and add at least one cool thing to our adventure book every six months.

Fiance, basically what I’m saying is that I’m going to continue to pursue you through: Our Lord, giving you communion, random misadventures, staring into your eyes, continually choosing you, occasionally reading a book you’re reading, crying in front of you, kissing you in the rain, occasionally watching you sleep, running my fingers through your hair, detailing your car, having some part of my body touching yours while we sleep, not thinking I have all the answers, and telling you how beautiful you are.

If that doesn’t work, then I will: leave random notes for you in places where you will find them, randomly call in the middle of the day just to hear your voice, create a romantic themed event around which I will speak in one of my many accents, send you a card through the mail (even after we are living together), act out my love for you through interpretive dance, watch UP with you at least once a year, and pursue other ways to grab your attention.

Feel free to hold me accountable to any of the above, especially before, during, or after a disagreement.

This is a love story, this is a love story that would make God proud! If only all of us could feel this way and do these things and strive to be this person!

Don’t misunderstand what I am saying, we all have problem and we all fall short of what we can be and we all sin. But if we a putting God before everything, even our spouse how can we go wrong? If we are always seeking Him first it is going to change the way react, the things we do, the way we view those in our lives and it will transform our relationship (and this shouldn’t apply to just our spouse). If we can seek to see others through His eyes, things would be different.

So instead of letting others guide you into believing what is truth and what is false in relationships why don’t you let the One who created relationships guide your relationships?