Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for February 19, 2013


Today was an appointment day but the day didn’t go as I had planned.

I know everyone who is reading this is shocked that my day didn’t go as planned.

Oldest Monkey has a job and so we have to drive him to work since he doesn’t have a car or a license. He had to be to work at 5 AM today! Which meant I didn’t sleep good because I was afraid I wouldn’t hear my alarm, that Oldest Monkey wouldn’t wake up and that he would be late to work.

And so since I was up I figured I would do my Bible study. Especially because the weather was getting bad and so were the roads. I figured that school would be cancelled and I could avoid being woke up by them sending the text, calling and emailing me with the closing. It didn’t happen. So I filed back into bed.

Of course I couldn’t get comfy in bed and by the time I did it was 6:30. And then everything went off at 6:44 AM. Seriously! I had just fallen asleep. Sigh….

Well I had my eye appointment today and didn’t get the best news but it was okay I guess. Have to go through another test with the eye doctor. And he also dilated my eyes. Found out my nerves in my right eye are damaged which is probably why I have the blurry vision in that eye. And it more than likely will get worse because of the pseudo tumor and the rosacea in my eye.

I was so blinded that between the lack of sleep and dilation I had a major headache. And it has yet to really go away. I couldn’t even take Middle Monkey to his appointment today because I couldn’t see.

I am ready for bed and hopefully it will come quickly. Tomorrow morning I get to go to Bible study and I am really looking forward to it!