Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for Virus

Fall/Winter and I Are Not Friends

This sickness in this house that starts when the weather goes back and forth between warm and cold kills us here.

Today I had a doctor appointment for the two youngest monkey’s. Middle Monkey woke up complaining of his throat hurting and I sent him to school anyway.

Doctor feels it is just a virus they are going to have to work through. Except I don’t know how much more I can take of working through it because it seems like we are just passing one thing after another back and forth.

My monkey’s immune system seems to be taking a beating. I am feeling much better. Almost 100%. At least compared to what I would normally feel like on day 3/4 of being sick without oils! My monkey’s are okay with me using oils on them and I have been but I just don’t think I have the right ones. I really need to get some RC for them.

Here is hoping that tomorrow is better for them. But since youngest monkey has a fever today that means no school tomorrow.

Slow and steady wins the race right? So if we are slow and steady getting better, we will win!

Water, Water and More Water!

I am pushing, pushing, pushing and pushing water, water and more water!

Gotta get this virus and whatever else is in me OUT!

I plan on going to the gym by next Monday! I am running out of time to be 100%!

Push that water!

I Have Hit a Funk

I have truly had a breakdown. It has to get better is all I can keep on saying right now.

I am thankful for the roof over our head. I am thankful for all of the things God’s has provided us with. I am just tired.

My Oldest Monkey has a virus which causes the blood pressure to drop out. Of course the medications he is taking drops his blood pressure to begin with so last night was filled with him passing out. Then it was filled with an ambulance and other medical vehicle’s (once again about a month later) on our tiny little court at our house. Then it was a full filled night in the ER.

Now keep in mind here is yet another medical bill (Monkey’s insurance doesn’t cover ambulance) and we just got our one from him when he was in New York!

Seriously with everything that has been going on. All of the things we have had to pay for and all of those fun things we have once again increased what we are paying out monthly. I took out the loan to pay off all our credit cards and now we are probably at about $4500 back on them and I am so mad about it.

Funny thing is if we hadn’t taken that loan out we would not have been able to pay for any of these things and we would not have a car and all the other things we have had to pay for.

Then top it off with when I went to go and clean the living room today I wanted to scream. We picked it all up and then I pulled out the vacuum. Started to vacuum the room and it was making a funny noise. Lets keep in mind the last time I used it worked just fine. The last person who used it was my children down in the basement. The Monkey’s since 2006 have broken 5 vacuums! I just bought this vacuum when we moved into this house in May! MAY! I was frustrated but it was still working.

Then we went for the brand new steam cleaner. My Oldest Monkey was the last person to use it and I was the only person prior to that. It is broken. I have never been so pissed and upset.

Seriously he has no respect for anything! He really doesn’t. He does things his way and doesn’t respect what or how to use things. Of course it was just an accident but he knew it wasn’t working last week when he used it. Which explains why the is still vomit and poop from the dogs on the floor downstairs! It is brand new and was just purchased at the end of June.

I am just so frustrated and upset. We don’t have money to just keep on buying things or replace things or just for the hell of it.

Oh and then lets top off that yesterday around 4:40 I was contacted by my BFF’s Husband and he let me know she was back in the hospital because she attempted suicide again.

Honestly that is a whole new issue and I have my thoughts on that one but won’t even go there today.