Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for Immune System

School and Sickness

My two youngest Monkey’s seem to have a very low immune system. They go to school and get everything. We have been blessed though. We have been using Young Living Essential Oils and they have helped a lot. It doesn’t keep the illnesses away completely but it has reduced the time they are sick and it has also prevented us from needed to use things like breathing treatments (so far that is).

I am not some crazy person who doesn’t believe in modern medicine because I myself need it to live. But if I can use anything that isn’t full of chemicals and harmful things I am all for it. I do really believe that a lot of health problems are caused by medications. You get side effects from medications and then your Dr.’s treat you with a new medication and that causes side effects and the cycle continues.

There are people who can not live without modern medicine, I am one of them. But there are many things I just can’t take. I can not take pain meds. They give me serious side effects. Things like migraines, vomiting, passing out, low blood pressure, and other fun things. So for me, using the peppermint, wintergreen, and PanAway have been life savers for me when I have pain. I also have been able to use what has been called the morphine bomb (3 oils in a capsule you take internally or put on a specific spot) and it has been a life saver.

Today I am really thankful because even though my Baby Monkey has been really sick (he has asthma) I haven’t had to use a breathing treatment yet. I have been able to just use the oils to keep things under control.

I am not a fan of the school year because with it comes a houseful of sickies but I am really thankful that I found this oil company!

Fall/Winter and I Are Not Friends

This sickness in this house that starts when the weather goes back and forth between warm and cold kills us here.

Today I had a doctor appointment for the two youngest monkey’s. Middle Monkey woke up complaining of his throat hurting and I sent him to school anyway.

Doctor feels it is just a virus they are going to have to work through. Except I don’t know how much more I can take of working through it because it seems like we are just passing one thing after another back and forth.

My monkey’s immune system seems to be taking a beating. I am feeling much better. Almost 100%. At least compared to what I would normally feel like on day 3/4 of being sick without oils! My monkey’s are okay with me using oils on them and I have been but I just don’t think I have the right ones. I really need to get some RC for them.

Here is hoping that tomorrow is better for them. But since youngest monkey has a fever today that means no school tomorrow.

Slow and steady wins the race right? So if we are slow and steady getting better, we will win!