Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for Race

Fall/Winter and I Are Not Friends

This sickness in this house that starts when the weather goes back and forth between warm and cold kills us here.

Today I had a doctor appointment for the two youngest monkey’s. Middle Monkey woke up complaining of his throat hurting and I sent him to school anyway.

Doctor feels it is just a virus they are going to have to work through. Except I don’t know how much more I can take of working through it because it seems like we are just passing one thing after another back and forth.

My monkey’s immune system seems to be taking a beating. I am feeling much better. Almost 100%. At least compared to what I would normally feel like on day 3/4 of being sick without oils! My monkey’s are okay with me using oils on them and I have been but I just don’t think I have the right ones. I really need to get some RC for them.

Here is hoping that tomorrow is better for them. But since youngest monkey has a fever today that means no school tomorrow.

Slow and steady wins the race right? So if we are slow and steady getting better, we will win!