Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for Bipolar

The Shock Heard Around the World

Please no matter what your opinion is about suicide, I am asking that you please have some respect for Robin Williams’ family and friends. A person has taken his life and in order for a person to do that we can’t possible understand the pain and suffering that he was going through at that moment and what those that are left behind are feeling and dealing with. 


Yesterday Jack in the Box wanted to know if the Robin Williams thing was a hoax. I had no idea what he was talking about so started to look. Saw lots of hoaxes online from 2012, 2013, and then saw a new article from 8-11-14 and realized it was no hoax.

Words can not express how this made me feel. I never got to met him but I looked up to him as a person. He was bipolar and he was ADHD and he had made a life for himself. He was funny and I often wondered what was hiding behind his humor; because I do that as well.

I have seen many things. Some calling this act selfish. Some expressing how sorry they are for his family. Some recalling what he meant to them.

The statement from his wife, Susan Schneider:
This morning, I lost my husband and my best friend, while the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings. I am utterly heartbroken. On behalf of Robin’s family, we are asking for privacy during our time of profound grief. As he is remembered, it is our hope the focus will not be on Robin’s death, but on the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions.”
The statement from President Obama about Robin Williams passing:
“Robin Williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny, a president, a professor, a bangarang Peter Pan, and everything in between. But he was one of a kind. He arrived in our lives as an alien — but he ended up touching every element of the human spirit. He made us laugh. He made us cry. He gave his immeasurable talent freely and generously to those who needed it most — from our troops stationed abroad to the marginalized on our own streets. The Obama family offers our condolences to Robin’s family, his friends, and everyone who found their voice and their verse thanks to Robin Williams.”
The statement from his manager, David Steinberg:
“Nobody made the world laugh like Robin Williams. My brother, my friend, my soulmate, I will miss you.”

Depression is real. Depression is scary. It is hard for those who have not suffered from a mental health issue to really understand those depths of despair.

Robin was getting help. Sometimes help isn’t enough. But that does not mean don’t seek it out.

But I still am encouraging anyone who is suffering from any mental health issues to seek out help. Find someone to talk to. Talk to your doctor and try to get on medication. Go seek out a pastor, best friend or support group.

Mental health is real. Mental health does not get enough attention in our country. Mental health isn’t treated the same with health insurance companies. Mental health carries a stigma. Mental health is pushed aside. Mental health is made a joke. Mental health has different degrees of severity. Mental health needs to be seriously addressed and changed so that access is easier for those who need it.

I am bipolar. I am on medication. I have been addicted to self-medicating. I have avoided help. I have sought help out. I have taken meds and stopped because I was “better”. I have been in a mental health hospital for both mania and depression/suicidal thoughts. I was a typical bipolar person until about 9 years ago.

I am praying for each person who was touched by his life! Not only did he have a family and friends, he did touch the world with his movies and his giving and doing. He was a one of a kind, unique person, and he was real. He had struggles and he was willing to admit them.

Please if you are suffering in any way from depression, addiction, mania or any mental health issue; seek out help.

Robin McLaurin Williams
July 21, 1951-August 11, 2014

Life Flashes

Trying to come up with words for this has been really hard. I know exactly what I want to talk about. I know exactly what point I wanted to get across and yet I am struggling to get the words out.

Back up a while ago. My Oldest Monkey packed up and moved out, without warning, without words, without talking and in the middle of the night. I was angry about it, very angry. But stepping back and looking I am not sure if I really had a right to be angry because I had done something similar to my parents.

I still had not fully gotten over all that had gone on. The moving out, the sticking us with a phone bill again, and just watching his life go down the drain.

Last week around 11 PM I got a phone call from the local sheriffs dispatch telling me that Oldest Monkey was on the phone and needed to tell me something. I could not understand a single thing that was coming out of his mouth. He was crying and distraught and there was no way for me to figure out what was going on. So the dispatcher told me that he had gotten home and he found his girlfriend cold and non-responsive and he needed someone there for him.

In a whirlwind I jumped out of bed, threw on whatever I could find on the way out of the house, got my Middle Monkey upstairs in case the two other Monkey’s woke up and ran out the door. Seriously when I realized what I had on, I felt as if I should be walking into Walmart in the middle of the night and put on Facebook with one of those stupid posts!

By the time I got to the apartment there were police, EMT and the fire department and Oldest Monkey was sitting outside. We were stuck outside the apartment until about 2 AM and then we were finally let go from the apartment at about 3 AM.

The next couple of days were just a whirlwind of family and friends and moving things and my anxiety going through the roof (I am an introvert and that doesn’t mean I can’t socialize and be nice and polite and around others; it just means doing so drains me in a really big way). So dealing with police and the medical examiner and the victims service unit and friends all one night and then everyone else the next couple of days made me feel like I could curl up, sleep and not get up for days. I am still not recovered from being around everyone.

But in that time (and here comes the hardest part of this post) I saw what my life could have been and only by the grace of God my life isn’t what I saw around me. I am bipolar and I have admitted that before but what I haven’t admitted is what my life was like being unmedicated with medication and self-medicating with other things and bipolar.

If I had not been allergic to pain meds I would have been addicted to them. I was a cutter. I was a sexaholic. I was a drinker. I was a manipulator. I attempted suicide more than a few times. I was a monster in every aspect that you could be.

I used to cut my arms, legs, stomach so I would bleed so I knew I was alive.

I have had sex with so many people, that I lost count at 50.

I would drink until I threw up and then start over again.

I was a master manipulator, about anything and everything.

I spent time in a mental health hospital and while there, while getting better, had sex with another patient (monitoring needed to be better and still does from the letter I read that my Oldest Monkey’s girlfriend kept from a guy in there).

I spent a lot of time in the ER because of overdosing on pills and alcohol (let me just say it is a miracle that I love cooking on charcoal as much as I do with as much as I had to puke that crap up).

She committed suicide and my Oldest Monkey found her. Listening to the stories the next day from her family and friends; I felt as if I was reliving a time in my life. It really was a flash into what the outcome of my life would have been had God not gotten ahold of me, shook me and woke me up and had I not listened to Him.

Like I said it was His grace that saved me. I had always gone to church growing up so it wasn’t as if I didn’t know who God was. But I had walked away from Him and He let me. He let me go down that rabbit hole. He let me continue to spiral because He gives us free will. I have no doubts that He reached out to me so many times I can’t even count them but I always turned away.

I saw what my life would have been like (well other than the fact that everyone really did care about her and believed she had a mental health issue that needed to be addressed; I didn’t have that in my life) if I had not reached up and taken His hand that last time.

I would have succeeded. I would have killed myself. Someone would have found me. I would have left 2 Monkey’s without a mother. I would never have known my 2 youngest Monkey’s. I never would have had my Jack in the Box. I never would have known real love. I would have missed out on a lot of things. The love of my church family. The friends I have made there. Getting into a real relationship with Him.

Even though I am not that person anymore this weekend brought up a lot of memories and heartaches and things I still have not dealt with. This is the first time I have ever truly put out there what my life was; even my Jack in the Box doesn’t really know. For me, it is a very scary place for me to have traveled back to. I was out of control and I am beyond blessed to be alive still.

The biggest question for me now is what do I do with all these memories? Do I actually find someone to work through it all with me or do I go back to stuffing and forgetting? Fear makes you do stupid things and there is no reason I should have fear over my past. God brought me out of those depths and He will still be by me working through it all.

My past life flashing before me wasn’t pleasant but I am proud to say I am no longer that person!


I have been dealing with some whopper of headaches lately.

Because I am on warfarin the med I was using for both my bipolar and my migraines is no longer an option. So I currently just live with my headaches.

It gets really old, really quickly. I was doing so good without having them and I was enjoying life a bit more.

Not that I am not enjoying life but when you have a mild headache from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed and then have the random migraine pop in, enjoying life gets rough.


Medical Nightmare

That is what I am at times. I am a medical nightmare. I seriously feel as if my body hates itself. There are times I have wondered why God allowed me to have so many things wrong with me.

I am bipolar.

I have factor v leiden.

I have endometriosis.

I have interstitial cystitis.

I have irritable bowel syndrome.

I am overweight (my fault).

I have PCOS.

I really do have more but as I am putting all of these things down it is a bit overwhelming for me.

The past couple of days have been really hard on me. Medically speaking I have been having a really rough few days.

So if you are the praying type some prayers would be great because I am miserable right now!


500th Post

Sadly this isn’t really my 500th post. I had many other blogs prior to this one and I used to write almost daily. I hit 1000 on a couple of them. But for this blog that has been going since 2008 or so – this is my 500th post! So I am going to list 100 things about myself! Things I believe in, things I like or dislike and things about who I am as a person. If you make it through the long list thank you for reading it and I hope you have learned something new about me!

  1. I am married to Jack in the Box
  2. I have an Oldest Monkey who is 18
  3. I have a Middle Monkey who is 12
  4. I have a Youngest Monkey who is 3
  5. I have a Baby Monkey who is 3 months
  6. My favorite color is green
  7. I love photography
  8. I have recently reconnected with a friend from high school and we have a ton in common
  9. I have Factor V Leiden
  10. I am Bipolar
  11. I have lived through numerous abusive and controlling relationships
  12. I have to be on medications for the rest of my life
  13. My anniversary is April 2nd
  14. My birthday is February 5th
  15. I write under a Pen Name of Yeve Eeffoc
  16. I am overweight
  17. I have brown hair (naturally)
  18. I have red hair (currently)
  19. I have natural curly hair
  20. I love vegetables!
  21. I have blue eyes
  22. Only one of my children has my eye shape and color
  23. I can’t stand drinking water out of glass cups
  24. I stopped drinking pop back in March 2010
  25. I was married the 1st time in 2000
  26. I left my Ex in 2006
  27. The divorce was final in 2010
  28. I never think what I do is “good enough”
  29. I am a Christian
  30. I struggle with trust
  31. I struggle with organization – which makes my house look horrible
  32. I have a Labrador dog who weighs about 100 pounds
  33. I have a Bocker (beagle and cocker) who weighs about 25 pounds
  34. I bought a house in May 2010
  35. We struggle financially a lot of the times
  36.  I started going to my church in 2004
  37. I love music
  38. I have a good voice for singing
  39. I met my husband in a bar while singing karaoke
  40. I love to write
  41. I gave up fast food on June 30, 2011
  42. I have Facebook up 24/7 – if not on the computer then it is on my phone
  43. I have made some amazing friends through blogging
  44. Some of my best friends I have never even met in person
  45. I love Subways Spicy Italian sub
  46. I believe when you are married you should have sex with your spouse and enjoy it
  47. I prefer a Mac over a PC
  48. I always have a plastic water bottle with me
  49. I tend to get really excited about projects until I start doing them
  50. Both of my parents are still alive
  51. I have a sister and brother-in-law
  52. I have a brother and sister-in-law
  53. I have four nieces
  54. I have seven nephew
  55. I am the oldest of three children
  56. I do not like swimming in lakes, ponds or oceans
  57. I love swimming in pools
  58. I am working on a project that pertains to abuse and control issues
  59. I love taking photographs in the winter
  60. I live near one of the Great Lakes
  61. I love going out to the Great Lake in the winter
  62. I want to get in a shape other than roundish
  63. I have inherited six of the best nephews one could ask for
  64. I love to celebrate birthdays – I think they are very important
  65. I need to learn to give thanks to the Lord more than I do
  66. I love to plan surprises
  67. One of my favorite songs is “Praise You in This Storm” by Casting Crowns
  68. I have a selective but amazing memory
  69. I can never donate plasma again because of medication I am on
  70. I have taken in stray children and will again if I need to
  71. I plan on participating in the Grand Rapids Mud Run next year (a 5k in mud)
  72. I try to support my husband in everything he does but fail a lot of time
  73. I get frustrated when talking about financial issues
  74. I don’t like to dream about things that cost money because we don’t have it
  75. Our house was a foreclosure and that is the only way we were able to get it
  76. I have been “disowned” by my Oldest Monkey but was never even told
  77. Has a love/hate relationship with technology
  78. Struggles with keeping up on laundry (depression kills me)
  79. Often feels like nothing in the house would get done if I didn’t do it
  80. Speaks daily with God
  81. Prays daily with God
  82. Believes God has a sense of humor
  83. I truly dislike feet
  84. I believe we were not put on this earth to judge others. That there is an ultimate Judge. That we are here to love everyone no matter what their sin is.
  85. I believe God has given each of us one if not more talents that we are supposed to utilize and grow
  86. I believe God allows us to go through trials. If not for anything more than to draw us closer to Him
  87. I have an external hard drive that was ruined. It contained all of the photos from the time my daughter was born – I have nothing for the first three years of her life.
  88. When I left my Ex I went into a women’s shelter with my Oldest Monkey and Middle Monkey
  89. I believe you must be your own advocate when it comes to anything in your life
  90. I believe you must be your child’s advocate even if they don’t want you to be
  91. I believe you have every right to search through and get into anything that belongs to your child. It is a much different world out there than when I was growing up and if invading their “privacy” means saving their life I will do it
  92. I will do almost anything for a friend
  93. I love to cuddle with my Monkey’s
  94. God has been by me and never left me, even when I have left Him
  95. I love zoo’s!
  96. I believe that because of all I have gone through in life I have been able to help others
  97. I love to cook but rarely use a recipe and always change it when I do use one
  98. I believe that everyone has a right to believe in God or not believe in God. That no one should force their view of religion on anyone else around them. That the best way to bring people to Him is to just be “Jesus with skin on”.
  99. The only jewelry that I truly enjoy wearing are rings but occasionally with venture out with a necklace, earrings and bracelet
  100. I believe that God loves me, that He created me, that He is with me each step of the way, that I need to grow into more than who I started out to be and that no matter what happens good or bad I need to praise and thank Him for everything.

God Bless each of you who take the time to read this and those who didn’t make it through all of it as well!


Bad Friend

I have been reading people’s blogs I just haven’t been commenting.

I get on my computer and I do school work. I play around on facebook to make sure certain games keep on going. I go and read blogs.

But yet lately I don’t really take the time to comment.

It isn’t that I don’t care. It isn’t that something in it hasn’t caught my eye. It isn’t that I don’t have the time.

It is just me being lazy. Or another way to look at it me being a bad friend.

I have certain blogs I frequent and read all the time. I have certain blogs that when I see something that catches my eye as a title I go and read. I have blogs I just happen upon from comments made at blogs I do go to.

I really do love reading and writing. So I am starting to think this depression thing just hasn’t been kicked as much as I would like to believe it has been.

I keep on trying to tell myself things are getting better but in reality I have three months till this Baby Monkey is here and I just can’t get out of this depressive slump. I hate being on medication while being pregnant. I understand I am on it for my blood clot disorder (Factor V Leiden) and for my gestational diabetes. I know I could take it for my depression but mental health meds are a bit more tricky and most of them are not as safe as the other medications. Of course all medications have their issues and side effects.

I am not ignorant when it come to mental health medications though. I have been on them since I was 22-year-old. I was diagnosed with bipolar when I was 22 and I have been on medications since that time. I have been on a lot of medications since then so I am well versed in mental health medications.

I don’t know I am feeling as if life is just overwhelming and I am insane right now. It will all work out in the end I know.

I am just feeling like I am a bad friend for not making comments like I should on blogs as I read them. I am just feeling like a bad friend overall and there is no real reason why; just the depression I am dealing with.

Good Days

The past couple of days have been good days.

Things have been stressful for so long that each day I wake up and wonder what is to come. I don’t expect bad news or things not to go right but that is typically what happens at some point in each day.

Yesterday day though I got some good news. My will be ex is almost an ex! I was doing the happy dance yesterday! My attorney called to say the results from the evidentiary hearings we had over the past 14 months. All I can say is it is really about time! My attorney used a baseball analogy when he called saying something like, “We had a game with no errors, no runs, no hits, and all he did was strike out” or something along those lines.

Let me just say there have been many times when I wanted to just give up and give in and give the will be ex what he wanted. But my Middle Monkey is my Middle Monkey. I did marry this man. I know what he is like. I know what he was like when we lived there. I know his temper. I know his manipulation. I had to do what I had to do to protect my child.

Being bipolar this did wear on me. There were many times when I just wanted to give up. There were many times when I just wanted to give in and say you can have what you want. There were many times I wanted to say you can have Middle Monkey. There were many days I would lay in bed and cry (not good when you have a baby). There were many days I would walk around in a zombie like state trying to figure out what to do. There were many days when I would cry out to Him and ask for it to be over or for it to at least move forward or for His will to be done (faster). I listened to my mom tell me I should just hand my Middle Monkey over and hope and pray when he was old enough he would seek us out.

In the end though I always wondered if anyone really saw the will be ex the way I saw him. I always wondered if anyone saw the manipulation and control he would try to invoke on the rest of us; even after I left him. I always wondered if the things I went through were just all a figment of my imagination because really that is how the Judge in this case has made me feel at times. Not only the Judge but the will be ex as well.

I have been vindicated!

This may seem silly to some but honestly back in 2001 not even a year into our marriage I tried to leave. I tried to talk to my parents about it and I was told I was being crazy and insane and nuts and well I wasn’t given this marriage a fair chance. So I stayed. I didn’t want to be accused or not giving it my all.

The thing is my family will never see or read what this judge has written and it isn’t even about that. It is about me knowing that what I went through. The fight I have put up for my Monkey for the last four years. It was not in vain and it proved to me that what I went through was not a figment of my imagination; which in all honestly I think 90% of the people who knew me and him believed I was.

Also today in the mail I was sent a lovely gift from The Simple Life (or Kelly). I entered a contest on her blog and I won! I was super excited about winning because I don’t recall ever winning anything online before! It was so cool!

Not only is it cool that I won but I used to use this stuff a couple of times a week when I was living with the will be ex. I love Satin Hands! It makes your hands feel so incredible! I also used to love the smell (I am praying right now that the smell has not changed any)!

So thank you so much for this awesome gift! I plan on using it tonight!

Please make sure you head on over to The Simple Life! She LOVES comments! Kelly has a very cut little home over there and I truly love the title of it! Who would not want to live The Simple Life?! I know I would love to live a simple life!

Today was supposed to be the first day for my plasma donating to begin. It didn’t happen. Everything that could go wrong went wrong with that appointment. Thankfully though they agreed to fit me tomorrow so I don’t have to wait another month. Which is good because if I start this week and I am able to donate twice a week I will have enough for the Oldest Monkey and Middle Monkey for their Christmas present. Then I only have to work on saving up a little bit from now to Christmas time for Jack in the Box and Youngest Monkey.

Jack in the Box starts his new job on Monday. Please pray that it is a good fit. He has been off from work since December. He is a sales man but our state really isn’t doing better. So that means even though he was hired for a sales position it could possible last a very short period because if he isn’t selling anything he won’t have a job. My BFF’s husband used to work for this same company if you are not selling you don’t last there long. Which means about a month’s period to be selling what they feel is appropriate.

I am praying for His will to be done – in all aspects of my life and seriously at times it isn’t easy. I want His will to be done in our lives but somethings I struggle with waiting for His timing.

Does anyone else struggle with that?

The past few days have been pretty good days!

Holy Crow is it Vacation Time Yet?!

Wow what a weekend.

I told Jack in the Box he was NEVER going to participate in fake olympic’s again! And when I say never I mean NEVER EVER IN THIS LIFETIME AGAIN!

Of course that was the sick person talking and if he were to ask me again next year I am sure I would say yes to it all.

Now we are going camping next week. We leave on Saturday and I am actually really looking forward to it. Although I am not looking forward to the crash that will happen to me after we get back.

Being bipolar I always look forward to the vacation. I get so excited and can’t wait to go and relax and enjoy and have fun but that comes with a cost. I have the vacation let down when I get home. I always crash. Always go into a depression. Never fails me.

But I can’t wait for vacation time. I am so tired of being (or feel like I am) the only one who does anything in this house! I am beyond tired of doing it.

This is going to be an all over post because I have so much going on.

Lets just go with how much parents irritate me. I am a parent. I am not a perfect parent but I do my best to take care of my children.

Now with that being said I really don’t know what is wrong with some parents. Actually I don’t know what is wrong with most parents these days!

Oldest Monkey gets a text last night. It wasn’t to late which was okay it was just the comment after he got it, “Great now I get to go and save Long Hair after I eat.” My frustration was there immediately. I knew what was coming from that comment. I knew soon it was going to be can I go to Long Hairs he wants to kill himself, etc.

No it gets even better. It wasn’t Long Hair sending him a text it was Long Hair’s mom! I honestly just tried to keep my frustration to myself but I am sure Oldest Monkey could see how frustrated I was.

Not long after we got home Oldest Monkey walks into the room and puts the phone up to Jack in the Box’s ear and goes, “Don’t talk, just listen” and after about 5 seconds he puts the phone up to my ear.

Honestly at this point my eyes are rolling into the back of my head. I knew what was about to come and it was taking everything in me NOT to tell this parent what I really thought of her parenting style. Long Hair’s mom is telling me how Long Hair was caught in a lie about Long Hair’s brothers girlfriend and now because he was caught in a lie he wants to kill himself and he is lost in his head and he won’t talk to anyone and she needs my Oldest Monkey to come and talk to Long Hair to save him.

Now let me just say after her ramble I just said whatever and told Oldest Monkey he could go.

What I really wanted to say to that parent though was, “If your son is wanting to die and you really believe he wants to die than another teen is NOT your answer! You need to get him some professional help because if my son doesn’t do what you want and he ends up dead your NOT holding my son at fault and that is exactly what MY son would do to himself. He would hold himself to blame because he could not save his friend!”

But I didn’t because each parent deals with things their own way but honestly I get so frustrated with these parents and this generation! They know that “suicide” is such an easy way out. Get caught in a lie, get caught doing something they don’t want to do, get caught in general and it is. “I just want to die. I want to kill myself.” and everything is find and dandy and call a friend to come and save them.

Really? Cause when my son was thinking he wanted to kill himself and he wouldn’t allow me to take him in for help – I called 911! I don’t play around. If you tell me you want to die and you want to kill yourself I am not playing games.

Honestly though when people tell you they 9 out of 10 times are just looking for attention because most of those who are actually wanting to kill themselves don’t tell a soul. You just know by what they are doing and you only know if you actually are paying attention to them.

Anyway if your child is ill don’t call a friend. Get them help! Because if your child or friend and whomever is serious about wanting to die and you call a friend and then that person is successful – you have accomplished two things. 1. You have allowed that person to not get help and die. and 2. You have accomplished allowing whomever came over to help to know they were unable to save their friend and now they have guilt for the rest of their life.

Now lets jump over to the fact I was sick all weekend. It wasn’t fun. It was difficult and even though I have another adult living in this house I did it all myself with Middle Monkey. He helped me take care of Youngest Monkey all weekend long. Not only that but no one who was here did anything!

I had not done dishes since Wednesday night. Gross right?! Very gross! Now add in the flu and oh my gosh my kitchen smelled horrible! I thought I was going to die when I walked in there and I can’t smell anything! That is how bad it was when I got into the bathroom. I wanted to throw up again!

There was not a single fork, spoon, knife, bowl, plate, glass or pan that was clean in my house!

I still feel like crap. I still am aching. I am still with a headache. I am still with a fever. I am doing the dishes that have sat there, untouched, since last Wednesday! I just get done doing the dishes (and not all of them were done, it 2 dishwasher fulls and one sink full of washing by hand to get them all done) and sit down in the living room and the BFF walks upstairs. She lets me know that she had just come upstairs to do the dishes. Really? They have sat there since Wednesday and I have been on my butt since Friday night and you now choose to come upstairs to do them? After I am all done with them.

As Jack in the Box stated, “I’m playin the BS card!”

It is okay though. They got done and I am okay with that.

I am okay with knowing that if I don’t do them they don’t get done. I am okay with knowing if I don’t pick up Youngest Monkey’s toys it doesn’t get done. I am okay with knowing if I don’t vacuum it doesn’t get done. I am okay with it all because this is my life as it is right now.

We are going camping and I have so much laundry doing that it is going to take me more time than I have. We are going camping and I have a tone of cleaning to do before we can go.

This is my life and I am okay with it.

Oh and to top it all off I just found out that BFF probably isn’t going to be able to get child support or a divorce. The BFF’s husband is protected because of a military guild line and deployment and some other things. So tonight she is extremely depressed and crying because she was counting on child support – because if they can’t get child support she does not qualify for help from the state.

I don’t even know what to tell her tonight. I feel really sorry for her. This really does suck for her. She probably doesn’t realize how much I understand it. I mean I know I have an income because of my disability but it wasn’t always like this and here I am 4 years after I left the will be ex and I am still married. I have been going through a divorce for almost 48 months! No joke – 48 months! I was totally upset when I hit 12 months and then 24 months. I am laughing right now as I type this.

I am not laughing because I find it funny I am laughing because I understand how it feels to know your not going to be free. I have nothing to say to her. Nothing is going to make it better. I trying to encourage and tell her to leave on Him but she doesn’t want to hear it. She doesn’t want to hear anything. She wants to be in her misery right now because she doesn’t see any way to move forward.

I can’t make it better for her even though I wish I could. I have nothing I can do to make it better. Sigh.

God please be with her and bring her peace in her time of turmoil.

I go on vacation next week and I can’t wait to be free from everything for the time I am gone. That is all I want right now. I just want to be away from it all!

Random Dozen

It is Wednesday and I actually have a huge vent I need to do and will do later. First though let me get to week three of the Random Dozen. Today I must say #1 is a great reminder for me especially with the vent I have later!

1. Define a great relationship. Well I have been in some pretty crappy relationships in my life so for me what I am currently in is great. For me a great relationship is being with a best friend. It is being able to tell this person everything and not only being able to it is wanting to. You can wait to share your good news or bad news with them. It is a shoulder to cry on. It is being happy with the person even when those around can’t see a reason to be happy. It is being able to laugh and joke with the person you love. It is being able to be intimate in every way possible. It is a lot of things but most of all a great relationship happens when you can give of yourself and they can give of themself as well.

2. Why is it called a “drive-through” if you have to stop? (Real question: What was the last food/drink you purchased at a drive-through?) Oh my goodness a lot of food actually. I had a houseful and this is what I got: 40 nuggets, 4 double cheeseburgers, 5 large fries, and 4 large drinks. It was a ton of food for a ton of people and it was all gone by the time lunch was over.

3. As I type this, the Butler Bulldogs are getting ready to play in the NCAA championship game. Every Hoosier is hysterical about this except me. So in honor of the Bulldogs … what is your favorite breed of dog? (I tried.) I love Labrador’s. But I am also really fond of our other puppy which is a bocker (beagle/cocker mix). We have been very blessed and have awesome dogs. Their personalities rock and they are so tolerable of our youngest (monster) monkey.

4. If you had to move to a state besides the one you currently live in, where would you move? Hawaii is my first gut reaction honestly but if I go there I can’t really drive to go visit family or friends. So probably Florida just because I have one friend who currently lives in that state and another one who is moving there in the next couple of years.

5. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be? Well I am bipolar and I was completely out of control growing up. I moved out when I was 14 and went back when I was 17 and left again right before I turned 19 and have not been back since that time. The relationship with my parents has been very strained because of my actions as a teen and as I have recently found out it will never get any better (what a great thing to hear from a parent). The thing I would have changed would have been parents who instead of thinking I was on drugs; which I was not; would have taken me to doctors or done something proactive to figure out why I was so emotional and having so many ups and downs. It might not have changed the path I took in my life but having a reason I was completely off my rocker would have been the best thing ever!

6. Who’s the funniest person you know? Jack in the Box is the funniest person I know really. His humor is off and running from the time his eyes open to the time they close at night.

7. Did you get enough sleep last night? I can say with 100% certainty that I have not gotten enough sleep since 2006.

8. What’s the first thing you thought about this morning? Two more days of this alarm going off and then I have two days with the alarm off and then it starts all over again.

9. Grilled or Fried? –HONESTLY Hmmmm this really depends on the season. During the spring, summer and fall I love grilled food. Throw anything on the grill and it is all good! Winter I find I really do love more fried food but every once in a while I find myself going I can’t wait for grilling season so I guess I am going to go with Grilled now that I have sorted out the seasons.

10. Are you afraid of the dark? Yes I am. Actually that isn’t accurate really. It isn’t the dark I am afraid of it is what lurks in the dark. I hate when Jack in the Box leaves for a mini-vacation with his Dad or friends. I am home alone, at night, with the kids, and I hate it. I hate going to the store when it is dark out. I hate going for walks in the dark. I am not a fan of what lurks around in the night.

11.When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? As far back as I can remember either a lawyer or a psychiatrist.

12. If you had one word to describe yourself , what would you choose? Pushover

Vacation and Real Life

I always love taking a vacation. Time away from the real world for me these days are a premium. The reason it is a premium for me because right now each and every day is consumed with court/divorce crap.

Last week my vacation was camping with my family. About half way through it though I was contacted by my lawyer because the will be ex was raising hell about me going camping and him having to go pick up his child for visitation.

Mind you he has no issue driving all over the state for motocross stuff but to have his time with his son – having to drive is an issue. Again this just shows to me how much the case is not about the best interest of the child or how much time he wants with his son. If it was – he would have driven up to get him.

Vacations are a bitter sweet for me as well. I am bipolar. I am on meds and I am doing well. Yet time away from home throws the emotions on a roller coaster when I get home. Depression normally sets in within the first few days and then it takes a while to get up and going again on a normal keel.

Well this time is no different. Depression set in.

You know it is crazy. For a while I really did believe I was the issue with the whole divorce. After this latest “motion” was brought about I see how I really am not at fault for all of this crap. The will be ex and his lawyer are quoting the mediated agreement and it is wrong. Which leads me to believe his lawyer has not even seen the mediated agreement or his lawyer is really stupid.

Last year – less than a year ago actually – we were brought to court over this same issue by the will be ex and the then current lawyer (not the same lawyer he has now). They were told to put the mediation agreement in place until the custody evaluation was complete and then and only then could we come back if there were changes to be made. Well we never took them back to court for changes I guess mainly because they never put the mediation agreement into an order. The will be ex did not get the extra time and things he wanted and really did not want the mediated agreement. So the reality is – even after being told to put it into an order it was never done.

So his current lawyer is asking for attorney fees for having to take us back to court to get a visitation schedule put into place. I find it very funny when it was his motion last time and this time that have brought us to court for this crap.

I have come to realize I am drained from all of this. I mean really drained. This has been all consuming for a very long time now. It isn’t like there is ever a break either. My day to day life revolves around how and when the next explosion from the other side is going to take place. It is not anything other than a weekly thing.

The sad thing is the only person it is hurting in the real world is my middle monkey. He is the one being hurt. I could list endless things he has said to me that show how he is being hurt but what good does that do? Just goes to show I can’t protect him from the world and mostly from his father.

Vacations are fun but the return for me is a toll taker.

Real life for me has not been very fun for a long time. I have great moments with those I love but the reality is real life sucks the life out of me currently.

Ralph please hold me up so I can keep on going because I am certain that my legs don’t have the strength currently to do it.