Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for Truth


Sometimes it is really hard for me to be positive. I try to be but it is hard.

It is really hard when people around me are grumpy, mean, selfish, lying and attempting to be manipulative.

I have come to realize or maybe a better word would be accept that everyone has their own version of what happens, what is said and what goes on. It doesn’t change when someone lies to you or is trying to manipulate the situation. But their version is going to include the lies and manipulations but to their advantage.

There are always two sides to every story and then there is the truth.

It doesn’t mean that one side isn’t close to what the truth is but it always seems that when someone tells a story, it is in their favor.

It is hard for me to be positive when things are so rough in this house. And when I stop and think about it, I get frustrated and angry that my house is full of such drama.

I need to surround myself by positive people and it seems to be slipping away or becoming harder and harder to come by.

I Need To Strive To Be A Better Christian

I do not know if this makes me a bad Christian or not. I guess in the grand scheme of things I am not a “bad” Christian I am just in a struggle with being a “good” one right now.

I am supposed to love my enemies. And you know what for the most part I do fairly well at that one. A good example would be my Ex. Even though he put us through a 4.5 year divorce and fought everything and in the end lost everything. Even though anytime I attempt to work with him he goes into fits of craziness. Anytime I give him a medical bill he blows up and tells me to basically go screw myself. I still am generous and nice and willing to work with him to help him. I have bought him coffee and at holidays given him treats to take with him and other little things.

Seriously for those who really know me and know what I went through it probably makes them wonder about my sanity. As a matter of fact Jack in the Box seriously does not understand why or how.

The thing is though for me – the person I am – I can’t be angry or mad or hold a grudge in this way because it only hurts me.

And yet then I get to my Oldest Monkey and seeing him infuriates me. Each time he comes around my stress level instantly goes up.

I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know what to say anymore. I seriously want to tell him to go away and don’t come back until he has changed but I am pretty sure that isn’t in me either.

He gives out our address to people he is selling things to. I got so mad yesterday at him. I was furious and I still am.

He comes to the house and eats a little when people are around so there is some left over for other. But the minute everyone’s back is turned he stuffs himself and there is nothing left.

I don’t have a ton of money. As a matter of fact this past week we were very negative. So much so that when Jack in the Box got his paycheck – we truly have right around $100 to make it over the next two weeks (let me say that this is with me paying our bills). It was all my fault honestly. We had an outstanding bill I totally forgot about (new meds and memory issues but still my fault) and then I went and did some grocery shopping to get us through the week – which left us negative.

Anyway I attempt to leave a few sweet treats in the house for when Youngest Monkey does the things she is supposed to do. I know I should not be rewarding her with treats but there are just some things that are such a struggle that when she does a really good job she gets one. Her favorite treat right now is mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches. Brand new box with 3 missing out of it. Went in the freezer last night to get her one and there was ONE left!

I was so pissed off.

The thing is he lies about it. He sneaks and thinks no one knows.

He shows up today because he is selling something on craigslist and gives my address out. Don’t even get me started on how much I blew up about that one (just goes right along with how he gives our address out to those in jail and prison). I was in the yard getting the sprinkler set up for watering and asked him to go and grab me one of the ant bait traps on the table. He gets outside and I say can you throw it to me. He throws it to me and it pops apart. But he had taken the pins out and already punctured it so the bait went all over.

I said why did you take the pins out and why did you open it and he looks at me and says, “It came out of the box that way.”

I have already used them so I know how they come out of the box and it isn’t punctured! I was just so angry. Nothing that comes out of his mouth is the truth. NOTHING.

I read something on facebook the other day that just totally sums it all up:

“I’m not upset you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you anymore.”

That is what it comes down to. And the thing is I am beyond the upset part. Now it just pisses me off that he lies and doesn’t understand why no one believes him! And he argues with you over it being “the truth”.

Seriously this is where I need to strive to be a better Christian. I can forgive a man who put me through hell and still does on a regular basis and yet my Oldest Monkey gets near me and I am on the edge and can’t get off it.

Don’t get me wrong – I don’t trust the Ex just like I don’t trust the Oldest Monkey. But I have found forgiveness and kindness that I give out toward the Ex. Why can’t I find that same compassion toward my own son?

I do try. I invite him over for dinner. I offer him work so he can earn money (although that has happened in a while). He has no place to go so he sits at my house for hours on end.

So where is it going wrong?

I guess it is going wrong where he is around to long or he opens his mouth and lies about it. That is where it goes wrong. I am fine until he sneaks food. I am fine until he lies to us. I am fine until he gives our address out. I am fine until he just walks in like he owns the place.

I kind of blew up last night and the thing is I am not really sorry about it. I am sorry that he was hurt by what I said but it didn’t change a thing. He did not ask to use the computer. He did not ask if he could give the address out. He did not ask if he could take the leftovers. He just kept on doing what he was doing.Then follow up with starting by lying first thing this morning when he gets here.

So how do I be a better Christian in this situation? I really do not know but I need to figure it out.

What Do You Stand For?

This has been on my mind for a while now. It started with a friend posting about politicians (will get to that later) and then really came to my mind when a friend’s son needed help with a speech (will get to that later).

Do you really know what you stand for?

Sure anyone can say they believe in Christ or they believe in free speech or living life to the fullest. Or anything for that matter but what does it really mean?

A friend of mine posted on facebook that politicians wouldn’t have such a hard time answering questions and voting if they actually knew what they stood for and what they believed in. They wouldn’t be so wishy-washy if they really believed in what they say they do! This right here is true. If you really, truly believe in something and stand for it nothing is going to sway how you feel or think about it. It does not mean you can’t listen to how others feel or believe about something but it does not change you. You can still hear what others are saying and stand for your beliefs!

My friend’s son struggles with speech. Actually I don’t think he really struggles with speech I just think he doesn’t like writing about what this teacher is requiring. This class has been about personal growth and their beliefs and the final speech was supposed to be about what they stand for. He could not come up with anything because he has convinced himself that he does not really believe in anything (future politician here?) and that anything he does believe in isn’t really strong enough to be truth. I worked with him for the good portion of a Sunday. I even wrote up a demo speech to get his brain working and thinking (which it did).

Then a while ago a certain person on facebook put that he was going to a bigger town to hit all the strip clubs and he couldn’t wait. It was his bachelor party night. Lots of people liked his status and I put him on blocked (at least his status updates that is). As a person who used to struggle with porn and not being good enough for my spouse this is the last thing I ever want to hear about. Not because I used to struggle with it. Not because of anything other than those woman are going to be in his brain for the rest of his life. Things are not going well with his wife, he is not happy with their sex life, he doesn’t like how she looks all of a sudden and lets pull up those images and deal with life by imagining others.

There are things I know I stand for and believe in. There are things that I won’t tolerate in my life because of what I stand for and believe in. But there are a lot of areas where I am wishy-washy. I have never really taken the time to actually think about them. I have never really taken the time to truly believe one way or another.

How as an adult who is 36 years old have I left so much in my life undecided? How have I let so many important things go by the way-side?

There are things I believe in but as I sit and really think about my life I think I have more things I am truly wishy-washy about; which is a very scared and sad thought for me.

What is it that you stand for? What is it that you truly believe in? How does it affect your day-to-day life? How does it affect your interactions with others who you have contact with?

The truth is what you stand for and what you believe in really should affect all aspects in your life! How you interact with others. How you respond to things. How you make the decisions in your life.

Going back to the whole strip club thing on facebook. Everyone who liked the comment and even the person who made the comment claimed to be a Christian. They go to church. They have been baptized. They are raising their children in the church. Yet they all think it is great to be going to a strip club. What is that saying to the world about their Christian belief’s? What is that saying to their children about what they believe?

Do you feel like what you stand for shows with the choices you make and the things you do? Because they really should reflect what you stand for and what you believe in!

Temptation Part Two

John Ortberg has written a book (a lot of books actually) called, “the me I want to be”. The book has been very eye-opening for me in regards to many things, including how I think about God and my relationship with Him.

Chapter 12 is titled, “Temptation: How Not to Get Hooked”.

At the end of Temptation of Part One I was wondering how I get past the point of just avoiding my temptation. How to I truly deal with temptation.

In the 2nd second of this chapter it is sub-titled: >>Ask for Help

Nothing makes temptation more powerful than isolation, but we do not face temptation alone. Paul said that “no temptation has seized you expect what is common to human beings. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so you can stand up under it.” For Joseph, when he was being propositioned by Potiphar’s wife, this literally meant running out of the room.

I think the single most common “way out,” however, involved talking about our temptations with another person. A friend of mine wrestles with gossip, but early on in our relationship he made one of the most candid confessions I have ever heard: “If you want to keep something confidential, don’t tell me – I leak like a sieve!”

There was something so disarming about his honesty that instead of being pushed away, I was drawn to him. This temptation was simply the dark side of his giftedness – he was one of the most delightfully verbal people I have known. We began to talk and pray over why he was drawn to gossip, where it got him in trouble, and how he could get free. He eventually became one of the friends to whom I trusted my deepest secrets.

I think asking for help and sharing with someone is very important in making strides in overcoming your temptation. I also believe it is very important not to just share with someone once and call it good!

As Christians we are called to be transparent and honest. I think that means even if we are going to hurt someone with what we are about to say to them we need to.

In class there is an older lady who I love dearly (as I do all of them). When she was younger she had 5 children and her husband died. As time went on she met her current husband and they got married. She shared with us in class that before they got married they agreed to never hide or lie to each other because they had seen what it can do to a marriage. They agreed no matter how much the truth hurt each other they would always be honest with each other. And they have been.

She said there have been many hurts because of the truth being told but they have always been able to deal with whatever it was head on that way.

Truth and honesty and transparency isn’t easy in any relationship but you can’t work through any of your temptations if you keep them all hidden.

Stay tuned for Temptation Part Three.

School, Weather, Stress

My life is nothing but stressful. I hate having a stressful life. I feel like I never have peace.

In 1 week I will be back in court for the custody trial. The will be ex will be on the stand first and then me. Then it will be jack in the box and then if there is time it will be the person who did the custody evaluation.

I am not prepared for this. We have a trial brief and I truly should know it from front to back so that when my lawyer questions me I can just answer the questions. Sadly I have not even looked at it since we wrote it up on June. I know I need to do it. I know I am running out of time. Still though I just have no idea how to fit it all in.

School has been stressful for me this time around. I am a grown up. I made the choice to go to school. I have to make myself to the work. I have to make myself do the assignments and participate in the discussions. I am struggling with all of it. Winter here in this dreadful state has been coming early. Which brings on the darn depression earlier. That I don’t think is the biggest problem. I think the biggest problem is the lack of time to complete these things. Jack in the box works so many hours that I play mom and get very little done with school work during the day. I do get some things done but not many. Most of the time by the time he gets home there is no sun so I can’t go do photographs. On the days he does have off he typically likes to hunt and fish or whatever. Which we both try to work it around so that he can do it and I can do school stuff. It just gets so darn hard. There are not enough days of the week and not enough hours in the day and not enough weather cooperating for me to do this crap!

That is the other issue – on the days I do have that I can go and take the photos for the assignments it seems to be raining here. Rain would be a great thing if I wanted a water photograph. Typically though that isn’t what my photo is supposed to be about. Sigh.

I have not been able to just sit and type this all out so while I wish it was a continuous blog it has not been and so my mind has shifted.

I have a lot of stress in my life and I hate it. There are a lot of things I wish went differently but they don’t. They are not things in my control to change either.

We always keep our eyes open for houses to rent/purchase. Each time we find something though it seems that we have spent our saved up money that was for moving out. Each day though I am reminded of how much I hate the place we are living. I know some of the things are stupid little things. Like the fact that I have had to replace just about every door knob in this house! Or the fact that I feel as if I need to walk around with a hammer because none of the nails stay in place in the trim and we rip a ton of clothing on them. Or how about the fact that all of the ceiling fan/lights are broken. Or the fact that my dad who isn’t an electrician but might as well be spent a day here fixing a lot of our electrical issues. Or how about the fact that I have to use duct tape on the furnace so that it runs. Or how about the fact that we have replaced the glass in 3 windows but the house really needs all new windows. Or how about the fact that there is a leak someplace since our last two water bills have been up over $500 and the last one was near $1000. Or how about the fact that our heating bill is nearing $200 a month year-round (we are on the budget). Or how about the fact that our electric bill is just about the same because some of our appliances have to run all the time in order to keep our food cold. Or how about the fact that under our sink is all black mold or if you look up in the shower the ceiling is all mold.

We spend so much money to live here that we have no money to save to move away from here.

I am so frustrated with being here. I am frustrated with a lot of things about this house but I am not willing to put the money into the things because it isn’t my house! We actually were going to buy this place. But considering he wants $150 for it. Considering the fact he bought it in 2000. Considering the fact the house itself is rotting and how much we would actually have to put into it to make it okay. It isn’t worth what he wants for it. I am not stupid. I might have been stupid to move here but I am not stupid in paying that much for this dump.

Deep breaths and let it all go…

As I Mature…
