Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for Draining

Crafts and Women’s Retreat

I was going to make a couple of crafts to use for donations for the women’s retreat. And I have made them, or I should say am making them. I need to turn them in tomorrow and here it is 11:30 and I am still up adding the mod podge coatings. I really planned on doing 6 or 7 coats and I am only on coat 3. Considering the fact you have to wait at least 15 to 20 minutes between each coat, my guess is, based upon the time, it will only be getting 4 or 5 coats!

Not to mention I wasn’t paying much attention because when I started this at about 9 PM tonight, the adhesive I used to stick the image down picked up a couple of things. And so now I have managed to mod podge some black specks onto the images.

This is why you don’t wait until the last-minute to do it. But this is part of my problem currently. I have zero motivation and so I procrastinate with and about everything. Really that in itself is really a draining trait I have currently!

I need to get my butt in gear and figure things out.

So tonight I am up later than I had planned all because I put off doing these crafts!