Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for Speech

New School Year

Where has this summer gone? We had a roller coaster of a ride with ups and downs.

We did manage to accomplish some of the things on the “list” though so that was a nice reward.

This summer we:

Lost our sweet bocker puppy

Finally got all of the baby and small-clothes out of the basement

Went to the zoo as a family

Had a garage sale

Welcomed a new puppy; a morkie to the family

Got out of the city and camped for a week

Made some serious decisions about our financial state

Got closer to having the Baby Monkey fully potty trained

Almost made it a full summer with getting along with The Ex

Ran our first 5k as a FAMILY

Got the Youngest Monkey and Baby Monkey to eat better food

Working through a Bible Study with friends; and it is life changing!

Only missed church two times

Watched the Oldest Monkey move to another state

Found out our niece is expecting

Did some reveal photographs for my niece and her fiance

Let our flower gardens (three) turn into weed gardens

Made a homemade carrot cake (it was so moist and yummy)

Learned more about Young Living Oils and how they can help our family

Discovered a new coffee flavor (that I love)

Went on walks together

Played soccer together

Accepted that I am a sinner, I will never be perfect and God loves me anyway

Figured out what my tattoo is going to be (have had an idea for 3 years but never firm on words)

Never took pain meds or allergy meds (thank you Young Living Oils)

Got amazing deals at Goodwill for school clothing (Thank you Lord)

Made some decisions about our health

We had a really busy summer and that list is only part of what we did. We have been blessed this year. Well the truth is we are always blessed because we believe in the Trinity, it is just that sometimes we forget and don’t always see it.

We have had a busy summer. Jack in the Box had been working at the same place for a year now (even though it began it was through a temp service).

We are starting the school year and we have:

Baby Monkey who is going two half days a week for speech

Youngest Monkey who is going into first grade

Middle Monkey who is going to be a sophomore

Oldest Monkey who is working in another state

I can’t believe that all my Monkey’s are growing up and in school or working. Where has time gone? Cherish your moments and times because they fly by faster than you could ever imagine (I remember when I was a child time took forever to pass by and now I can’t get it to go slow enough).

Gotta Get Back to It

I have got to get back to exercising. There have been things that have put it off but I need to get back.

I am praying that things settle down soon. I am feeling very ragged from dealing with so many things.

Baby Monkey has some kind of allergy and speech issue.

Youngest Monkey has some kind of allergy and some of her labs are off.

Middle Monkey has been doing better but there is something deep inside me that says something is off.

Oldest Monkey just kills me with the way his mind works.

I pray for all of them, but not as much as I should.

I need to work on getting better at this. I need to work on accepting that not everything goes as I plan because God’s plan is better.

I just know that I really did enjoy working out. Each time I quit and then go back it is even harder but once I get going I always feel better. So to help my spirit, my mind, and to help my body I need to get back to it.

Speech and Separation

Baby Monkey has some issues going on. Just before his second birthday we started to have separation anxiety going on again. It has gotten so bad that he can’t sleep without touching someone.

Baby Monkey has also had some issues with his speech. We had an evaluation done a few weeks ago and then this week we had our first real session. He was also supposed to go today but he has a cold and cough going on with a bit of a fever this morning. So we didn’t go to this morning’s class.

So we had two goals this week:

1. Work on our B sounds at beginning and ending of words

2. Work on Baby Monkey falling asleep in his bed

Baby Monkey has been great with his B words this week. We have been saying Boom, Baby, Bug, Bam, and anything else we can think of and repeat. We haven’t been using the word, “say” either. Just get his attention so he looks at our lips when we speak.

And he has fallen asleep in his bed almost every night this week. Minus tonight (football game, he crawled in my bed while I was getting his sister ready and fell asleep prior to me getting to him). It is usually a very tearful bedtime but he is at least falling asleep in HIS bed! He isn’t staying there all night long but it is a step. A very, very, very small step but a step.

Do You Know The Signs of a Stroke?

Could you save someone who was near you if they were having a stroke? Do you know the signs and symptoms? Do you know what F.A.S.T. stands for?

One of my good friends, her husband had a stroke. You can head over to Beth’s blog to read about what went on and how to recognize a stroke!

If you don’t have time to run over to read here are some of the things to look for:

Stroke Warning Signs


This is a fabulous site to go visit!

Did you know that there is an app you can download on both the android and the iTunes app stores? Maybe it should be something you consider and go look for! Go look for “Spot a Stroke F.A.S.T.” in your app store!