Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for Snowball Debt Payoff

Getting Debt Free

We have attempted to be debt free many times in the past (almost) six years.

For some strange reason today this peace came over me when I was looking over Dave Ramsey’s stuff again.

There are seven steps and I have never really followed them 100% but we have always followed a bit of them.

This time though I am going to bust hump, after Jack in the Box is getting paychecks again, and get that 1st step taken care of. Step one is saving up $1000.00 emergency fund.

Since we are not totally sure how much his checks will be I am thinking it will take around between 4 and 6 months to save that amount. So by Mid-July next year, at the latest I am hoping, we will be taking all of the extra funds we were putting into an emergency fund and putting it toward our debts.

Step two is the snowball debt payoff. How long that will take I have no clue but I am feeling some relief tonight with this decision being made!