Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for Snow

Long Day

It has indeed been a long day.

Long drive for ski race.

Long day for walking in the snow, uphill’s and then of course down.

Long day for listening to lies and manipulation.

Long day for editing and making things for Jack in the Box and none of the guys who I was helping wanted the same thing.

I am so grateful this day is coming to an end and I get to go to sleep.

Depression Sucks

I have been dealing with it for a while now but it seemed like it was getting better, until the holidays hit. I always seem to get depressed around and after the holidays, through my birthday, valentines day, saint patrick’s day, and until about the time the snow is off the ground.

And this year we have a lot of snow much sooner than normal and so it is really going to drag on forever!

I am not sure what triggered it currently but I went from being okay to being hit in the face by a 2×4 with depression.

Day Twenty-Three

Today I am thankful for family time.

Today we put the Christmas tree up! I know, this is not like me. Typically we are getting the tree up a few days before Christmas. This year though we woke up this morning and there was a dusting of snow.

We cleaned up the living room and we got the tree out. And we also turned on some Christmas music and made some ornaments.

It really was so much fun sitting around the table singing together and making ornaments.

Today I am truly thankful for family time!

Yuck, Snow and Driving

I drove to Holland this morning for my Middle Monkey to have an appointment with his PDoc.

Typically this drive takes us at most 30 minutes to get there but we have been having winter weather. And since Holland is right on the lake shoreline it has been getting hit with snow. Roads are not the best.

Of course I always make the appointments for 8 AM so that means most of the time to make sure we get there on time we are leaving the house around 7:15 in the morning. Today though we made sure to leave by 6:45 just to be on the safe side. It was a really good thing we did! We got there exactly at 8 AM.

We rushed inside. And I go to check in and they tell me I am sorry but your doctor isn’t here today. We tried to call you earlier this week at (012) 345-6789. Yeah that isn’t my number and has never been my number!

So I was upset but at the same time I felt bad for my Middle Monkey’s doctor, she wasn’t in all week because her husband had passed away.

She wanted me to make an appointment for the following week but I can’t afford that. Gas wise it just isn’t an option. So we have an appointment at the end of February now.

And then we started the long trek back to get Middle Monkey back to school.

And last week his schedule got changed. We got a notice in email on Friday and his got notice that as of Monday, 80 students had new schedules. I knew with his personality and how much he had struggled all year-long it was probably going to cause a problem. I was going to give it until Friday to see how he did. I didn’t need to give it to Friday. He was a complete wreck all week-long. So when I was at the school I figured I would go in and talk to whomever I needed to in order to get him switched back.

But of course it wasn’t as easy as just switching him back. It was a matter of having to work through all of it and find spots in the classes with his old teachers in an attempt to get him back. We did finally get a schedule set up so that he is back with all of his old teachers and got him into an academic support group. That class is going to allow him extra help on his math which he has been really struggling with all year-long.

So even though driving to Holland was a bust, at least I got him back to the classes he needs to be in!

Day Twelve

Today I am thankful for small things.

Like even though I am not a huge fan of it being cold out I love winter photography. And right now as we speak there are little bits of snow falling down from the sky.

It isn’t going to stay long because we have another warm up coming later this week at the beginning of next week. It is nice though to see it.

I am hoping for a wonderful winter wonderland this year. I would love to get out to the lake to get some photos this year! Last two years have been a bust.

Today I am thankful for the little things, like the little snowflakes fall all around right now.

Day Eight

Today I am thankful for the beautiful fall day.

It was cool and crisp.

We spent a good portion of day outside cutting trees down and burning as much of it as we could.

Youngest monkey doesn’t really get to have a birthday party where we do anything. Her birthday falls in the winter but typically it isn’t snowing by that point. So this year we are going to do a sledding party.

It will be a short notice party because it will have to be on a day when there is snow.

So today I was thrilled we were able to be outside to attempt to get the hill and yard ready for her birthday party!

Day Twenty-Nine

Today I am thankful for the little things in my life.

The things that we take for granted. The things that rarely cross our mind.

The air in my car tires.
My friends calling just to say hi.
Snow falling to the ground.
Heat in the house.
Paint on the walls.

And so many more….

Holy Headache…

Weather is horrible around here and it is adding to my head hurting.

I think it also has to do with me going on insulin and not being on the right dose yet at well cause my blood sugars are really high and crazy right now.

This little man is going to come out being the size of a 3 month old at the rate my blood sugars are going! I am getting so frustrated.

I just keep on saying only about a few weeks to go. I am supposed to be induced on May 12th as long as my cervix is favorable and ripening already. So does anyone out there have an idea how to make your cervix ripen when you want it to?

We woke up to snow on the ground yesterday! No joke – SNOW! April 18th and this glorious state I live in had snow on the ground!

I know this is short. I know I haven’t written much today but I wrote.


For me I struggle with winter. I struggle because here in this dreadful state there is rarely any sun. I am bipolar and I need the sun. I really need the sun. So on those far and few between sunny days I love it.

I do have a new appreciation for winter though. I can go out and take photographs of the wonderful winter world that is out there!

It really is beautiful right after there has been a fresh snow fall.

One of my favorite things to find is a road or hill that has not been touch that is lined with trees. A fresh blanket of snow on all the tree branches and the ground with nothing disturbing it. The sun glistening off from the snow’s reflection. If I just close my eyes I can see the beauty.

Sadly I have not gotten out much this winter to take photos. We have not had a really rough winter. I am dying to get out to the lake shore to capture the winter wonderland that happens out there each winter! I was out there one already but it was only at the beginning and it was not as beautiful as it will be now. I am hoping that within the next week to get out there. To see the dunes covered in snow with the grass popping through it still. I am hoping for a beautiful day with a blue sky.

Right now when I look out my window it is snowing. We were supposed to get between 1 and 4 inches last night but I would say we didn’t even get an inch. The next two days we are supposed to get lake effect snow. Maybe by this weekend I will get out to the beach!