Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for New Year


We are not sick but I feel run down. I think it is all the holiday running we have been doing.

I have heartburn awful.

My eyes have been having issues again.

My headache has been awful. Which I believe is from the lack of solid sleep. Which I seriously have figured out comes from how many flippin times a night I get up. I set an alarm to make sure Jack in the Box has gotten up for work, I set an alarm to make sure Oldest Monkey gets up for work, I set an alarm to make sure Middle Monkey gets up for school, and I set an alarm to get Youngest Monkey up for school.

I need to lose weight and get my butt exercising again. And I should not wait but honestly, the new year is coming and a new attitude needs to come about. I need a change and I am seriously praying about it. Crazy I know but that is what I am doing.

So much going on and so little brain power to work through any of it.

Ring in the New Year

We are ringing in the new year with the stomach flu in the house!

Youngest Monkey threw up.

Friends left the house.

Clean up took place.

Honestly my stomach is starting to churn but I am not sure if that is just because I am thinking about it or if it is because I am getting sick.

What a messy night!

I hope everyone else is about to bring the new year in better than we are!

Getting Excited

I know it is only December but I have been dreaming about how much we will get back in a tax return! I know crazy right?!

The thing is we really realized how insane it is with what we are paying out each month on credit cards! If we had all that money that we were putting aside each month – it would take us no time at all to save up to get the things we would like.

So my (our) goal has been to get these paid off. It will be money we can do so much with.

We could save it.

We could apply it to other loans we have out there (student or car maybe).

We could ignore it and act like it was never there.

I mean seriously we would have about between $300 and $500 extra each month! No more late fees because they change their closing date and I end up paying the bill on the closing date and so I am then behind a month!

I would be in heaven to know that there was no more interest being paid to credit card companies!

So anyway the whole point is turbo tax was supposed to be online in December and so I thought I would check today. Now of course I don’t have exact numbers and I am estimating on some of the other ones.

But after inputting things tonight – it looks like we will have enough to get all of the credit cards paid off. If we don’t we are only going to be about $500 short.

So tonight I am getting super excited about next year! I am so ready to be out of debt! I am so ready to enjoy my life and not to be living above and beyond our means!

We used them when Jack in the Box was out of work. We needed food. We needed gas for him to look for jobs. We had to do what we needed to do. I was kicking myself when we ran out of savings but what do you do?! We did it and now I am ready to have it be undone!

Does anyone else know what they will be doing with their income tax yet? Even though we haven’t hit the new year yet!


New Year = New Attitude

I have been struggling with my attitude lately. I have been struggling a lot with it.

I look around at my circumstances and I get frustrated and I get a horrible attitude. I don’t have to have a horrible attitude but when you are upset over everything it is hard not to get frustrated and not to have a horrible attitude!

I have a friend (hard to believe I know) and her name is Alise. She wrote a blog yesterday about birth. Not birth as in giving child-birth so much but birth about what you are going to birth this year. I encourage you to go and read it.

It did get me thinking though.

What this year am I going to give birth to. Four things came to mind right off the bat.

  1. Jack in the Box and I getting married.
  2. Tough love with Oldest Monkey.
  3. The actual birth of our fourth and last Baby Monkey.
  4. Going back to college.

All of these things will bring joys and heartaches.

With Jack in the Box and I getting married it will be a joy to finally be married to him. To actually be his wife is going to be such a pleasure. But in order for us to get married prior to the last Baby Monkey is born it won’t be anything he wants. Yet he is willing to do it because of me. So I will have heartache knowing it isn’t the wedding he was hoping for.

Tough love with Oldest Monkey has already started in many ways. I have made a stand (and so has Jack in the Box) on things. It really will be a joy when he is finally allowed to move out of this house! As a parent it makes me feel horrible that I can’t wait for my child to move out of the house but I can’t have him here. He lies, steals, cheats, and overall makes everyone miserable if he is not getting his way and is not happy. It is hard for me to practice tough love because he is my son. Even though he treats me horrible I still love him and still want to baby him but I can’t. He has to learn and he has to fall flat on his face. I know his time is coming much sooner than expected. To be honest I just hope he makes it through it alive. God is with him but it doesn’t ensure a positive outcome for the Oldest Monkey. That is hard for me to accept. When I was like the Oldest Monkey I was lucky enough to make it through. It was only by God’s grace though.

Baby Monkey is going to be here in May. It is going to be a joyful time for our immediate family and Jack in the Box’s family. Some of my family will be happy as well. It will bring heartache for me though because of the fact that this is my last. This is truly a bittersweet moment for me. I am realizing I am way to old for this thing called pregnancy and I am impressed with woman who do this even later than I have been but it isn’t for me. Don’t get me wrong even with all the problems I have and all I have to go through while pregnant I love being pregnant. But the sickness, the tiredness, the inability to take anything while sick and honestly just the draining you feel from growing a baby is way more than this overweight body and mom can handle anymore. I have said over and over to Jack in the Box as long as nothing goes wrong we are done but the truth is if something were to go wrong I think even then I would be done. So this really is bittersweet for me.

Going back to college this time is going to be rough. Going to school at anytime is rough for some people. I am one of those people. I am so excited about getting back to school after taking a semester off but at the same time knowing I am going to be very pregnant is a bit scary for me. Which is why if I can get there this semester (still working on this) I am taking all English classes (if anything is available). Hoping everything goes well and I am able to get enrolled in school. Still working on the enrollment fee but now that it has gone up I am not so sure it will happen.

This year I must have a new attitude. I have to be positive. I have to start looking at things in different ways.

When I was with my Ex I read almost all of the Stormie Omartian Power of Praying books. I learned a lot from them. My favorite thing from The Power of a Praying Wife was, “Change me, Lord”. I have lost that prayer some were along the way. I pick it up now and again but always seem to lose it again. I think for me (and probably most) it is the single most important prayer that any of us can pray. So many of us want things and people to change and we pray for change of those around us and our circumstances but we miss praying for us. We miss the opportunity to grow and learn with God in our hard times. We want those around us to change and don’t think we need to change.

That small prayer changed me in lots of ways and I need to get back to it. I need to pray for those around me but I need to be praying for my change at the same time. It helped me have a much better attitude and I need one of those again!