Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for Drug Companies

Life and Complications

Things have been a bit complicated since I last wrote here.

I had to have a colonoscopy on the 13th. The prep for that procedure is awful. Although I have to say after everything that has gone on; the prep out of the hospital is WAY better than the prep in the hospital but I will get to that later. During the procedure he ended up removing 3 more polyps. One was a larger one and two smaller ones.

I have had one of these done before and after it was over all was good. I was fine, had no pain, no complications and zero issues. After this one though I was dealing with some pain and I was told it was normal and that it would go away. But not even a week later I started to have some bleeding. Any bleeding from the bum area is scary for people but for me, I am on blood thinners so it makes it all the more scary.

I went to the ER and was sent home because they could not see anything wrong and my labs were stable. I ended up in the ER again and was placed in observation for four days. Not only that but I had to have an emergency colonoscopy. So the first night I was in the hospital I was prepped for my emergency colonoscopy. And let me say I think the drug companies have a sense of humor!

photo-30Do you see what that is called? Go Lytely! There is NO going lightly when you have to drink 4000 ml’s (if you need a better visual that is about 18 cups of saltly fluid) of colon blow over 3 hours. Not to mention they mix it with plain water and it comes to you warm. You have to fill the cup with ice so not only are you drinking the 4000 ml’s of the GoLYTELY you are drinking all the ice! My stomach was so upset by the end of it I was going from all openings. I had vomiting, bowel movements and urination. It was the best time I have had in a long time!

They did the colonoscopy and ended up clipping off one of the locations of the polyps and did some epi shots around all of the polyp sites.

I was then on a liquid diet until Saturday (no food from Wednesday to Saturday stinks!). And I was finally released from the hospital on Sunday.

Things seem to be going better and I am out of the hospital so that is a plus.

Life is always full of complications. I wish we didn’t have them but each of us does. How do you handle your complications? It doesn’t have to be something so drastic either. A complication in your life, no matter the form, is still a complication.

I have to say that I handled this much better than expected. I didn’t freak out the way I probably should have. I had this peace and calm about me this time. I was joking with the nurses and doctors about certain things. It was different from how I have been in the past.

I hope this means that I am growing in many ways in my life.