Lovin and Living

This is a place for me to just be me… (All content Copyrighted Yeve Eeffoc 2008-2015)

Archive for Wonderful

Sunday is Wonderful

I love Sunday’s. I really do love this day. It brings so much comfort to me.

I get up. I get ready for church. I get the monkey’s ready for church. We go to church. I get the monkey’s into their area, stop and get a cup of coffee and I go to the sanctuary. I go to where I normally sit, get my Bible out, get my notepad out, get my pen out, I walk back and get a bulletin and then I go and sit down.

And then the best thing happens, the songs come out, I get to stand up, sing and praise God. I get lost in the words, in the beat, in the sound and most of all in the meaning. It is almost as though His Spirit comes inside of me and I lose myself.

Today wasn’t a normal Sunday but I got to go to church still. My monkey’s stayed home with Jack in the Box and for whatever reason, today I was okay with that.

I have a lot that I need to work on. I am not perfect. I sin a lot.

You would think that when I opened my heart to the Lord my life would have changed. When it first happened I had this passion for Him. I would read my Bible, I would feel convicted over things and I wanted to be the best I could be for Him so that I was a reflection of Him.

Now I seem to be ho-hum  about my life with the Lord. I don’t read my Bible the way I used to. I don’t have the passion for Him, except on Sunday’s. And then I have guilt.

But my Sunday’s are wonderful. Now if I can just bring that feeling I have, the motivation, the passion and the joy into the rest of my week.

I think I need to create myself a schedule. I am not a person who likes schedules. I enjoy doing whatever, whenever. I have a list of things I know I need to do but most of the time that is it. I have a list of things I know I need to do and they sit. I do piddle things but I don’t do what needs to really be done.

I think I need to become more of scheduled person. I need to schedule time for me to be who God wants me to be. I need to schedule time for me to read the Bible. I need to schedule time to improve my life.

I have had a lot of issues lately. I know they are saying I have fibromyalgia and maybe something else (but we are waiting on test results) but I can’t live like this anymore.

I need to have a plan because the way things are going are not enjoyable anymore and I want my life to be enjoyable and part of that comes from living the way God wants me to live and the person He wants me to be.

So bring it on….. I want every day to be wonderful!

Day Seven

Today I am thankful for nice cool days.

I love the warmth of the sun but I also love to bake. So in order to really enjoy baking you really need to have nice cool days.

Today was the perfect day outside to allow for baking inside.

It was wonderful!

I didn’t bake as many things as I would have liked but it was still a perfect day.

I was definitely thankful today for the weather and what it allowed me to do today!